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Find out if working together is a good fit for you. Schedule a free 30 minute consultation where we will discuss my available programs, identify your goals and determine if one of my programs will be a good fit for you. 

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Schedule your call today.

Find out if working together is a good fit for you. Schedule a free 30 minute consultation where we will discuss my available programs, identify your goals and determine if one of my programs will be a good fit for you. 

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Individual coaching

My Signature Restore Vitality Program.

In this program you will receive personalized coaching designed to meet your individual health goals. I will be your guide to help you identify barriers, make plans that will get results, implement sustainable changes and provide gentle accountability when you need it most.

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Who I help

Women in their 40s & 50s, who have been taking care of everyone else, only to find that the last several years have snuck up on you. Your hormones are going haywire! You have low energy, the extra pounds won't budge and the sleepless nights are about to do you in! Now is your time... take back your health & begin to thrive again!



Regain Energy

Don't settle for fatigue weighing you down every day. 


Balance Hormones Naturally

Hormone changes are part of life, but they don't have to turn your world upside down.


Lose Stubborn Belly Fat

Banish those pounds that have crept on and won't seem to budge.

 Use the Menopause Roadmap to chart your perimenopause/menopause journey.